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Conference 2011: San Francisco Bay

Salmon Creek School 53 forest bathing.JPG
SFGSA conf reception 16 Sept 11 31.JPG
Alice Fong Yu School, San Francisco Sept 2011 (25).JPG
Adventure playground Berekeley 11.JPG
SFGSA speakers 17 Sept 11 06.JPG

Engaging Our Grounds

The ISGA was founded in September 2011, following a large, public, international school grounds conference entitled Engaging Our Grounds.


The conference was held in Berkeley, San Francisco, and Sonoma County, California, USA. It was directed by ISGA co-founder, Sharon Danks of Green Schoolyards America, and co-hosted by Bay Tree Design, inc., New Village Press, and the San Francisco Green Schoolyard Alliance (now called Education Outside). 


The images above highlight the conference workshops, events, visits and the post-conference retreat for ISGA Leadership Council members.


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