Explore our video library, which showcases innovative school grounds around the world.
Our short films are complemented by links to films produced by ISGA members and supporters and available to view here.
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Grounds Around the Globe
Middle Harbour Public School is a video about the school's first steps to become a "sustainable school". (3:10)
Children and Nature Program Video Page- The page offers a valuable array of videos covering many important aspects regarding children and nature, all accessible with English subtitles
Inspirações | A natureza como espaço de acolhimento | Criança e Natureza- Internationally known experts on children and nature talk about the importance of children relating to natural environments and how schools and other training spaces, in addition to the family itself, can contribute and strengthen the fluidity and permanence of this relationship, compromising up with her.
Risks worth taking- This video demonstrates how fundamental for the child’s development it is to take and evaluate risks, so they can become resilient and capable adults that are able to explore the world instead of fearing it. Nature is the ideal environment for the child to see situations that will help them learn about their limits and their potential.
Children and Nature- Children and Nature is a call about the importance of guaranteeing children the right to play freely in direct contact with nature, especially in the context of large cities. Beautiful images of children playing in plazas, parks and open spaces, combined with interesting commentary by specialists, inspire a journey through how playing in nature contributes to the healthy growth and autonomy of children, who will be the future guardians of our planet.
Parques Naturalizados: Paisagens Para o Brincar: Naturalized parks are spaces for socializing and playing created with natural elements, such as logs, straw and stones. They allow for more engaging and challenging play for children and are a nature-based solution that contributes to increasing greenery in cities, bringing health benefits and helping to contain the climate crisis. English subtitles
Growing Dreams is an inspirational video where students share their thoughts, feelings, and advice on implementing a successful school ground greening project. (19:08)
Patio Vivo is working to create schools that promote wellbeing, health and opportunities for hands-on learning.
Learning through Landscapes: Dream Playground - This video profiles Jessop Primary School in England, as it goes through a participatory design process to transform the ordinary school ground into one with a variety of engaging outdoor improvements. (5:15)
Cassop Primary School in northern England won the Ashden Award for their exemplary efforts to create sustainable energy systems at their school. This video includes a tour of the energy systems onsite. (5:05)
Glamis Adventure Playground - Bernard Spiegal* of PLAYLINK in London, England reviews the merits of the play environment at this British adventure playground. Many of the concepts discussed are also relevant to the context of school grounds. (5:49)
Scrapstore Playpods in Action - This video documents the "playpod" concept at a school in England, where children are given a wide variety of everyday objects to play with during their recess play time, in order to encourage creative, free play. (9:47)
Taking the Curriculum Outside the Classroom - Coombes School in Arborfield, England is a trailblazer in the field of school ground transformation and the school's faculty members are experts in the art of connecting the curricula to the school ground landscape. Headteacher Susan Humphries (now retired) led this exemplary school for almost forty years, and speaks about her school's work in this video. (3:27)
Tari Haahtela: Biodiversity and health - a short presentation from the Climate and Adaptation symposium in Helsinki about biodiversity and health research in Finland (19:16)
Aki Sinkkonen: Changing Living Environment and Immune Response – Correlations or Causalities? - a short presentation from the Climate and Adaptation symposium in Helsinki about biodiversity and health research in Finland (17:33)
The Berlin Story - Alastair Seaman from Grounds for Learning in Scotland reflects on a visit to Berlin, Germany and describes key features of school ground design and management in Berlin. (5:03)
Sekolah Alam Nurul Islam - Students overcoming challenges together, while enjoying nearby nature:
The Netherlands
The Discovery of the Last Child in the Woods - This video treats children’s outdoor play--and outdoor children themselves--as an endangered species. In Dutch with English subtitles. (1:58)
Grounds for Learning: How we can help? - This video is about Grounds for Learning and their work with schools and school grounds across Scotland. (2:35)
Natural Play in Schools - This video makes a strong case for creating natural playgrounds in schools as it follows the development of three natural playgrounds at schools in Scotland. Grounds for Learning. (13:59)
Early Years and Risk - This video makes the case for the benefits of teaching children about the appropriate uses of real tools (hammers, saws) at a very young age. Grounds for Learning. (4:39)
Messy Outdoor Maths - This piece presents ideas for taking mathematics outdoors, led by Juliet Robertson from Creative STAR Learning in Scotland. Grounds for Learning. (3:47)
The Creative Spark for Literacy - “In this video, Gordon MacLellan looks at the value of using natural objects in an outdoor setting to inspire and support creative writing.” Grounds for Learning. (3:39)
Nature Curriculum in the Early Years - Mandy Tulloch from Mud Pie Adventures encourages children to explore the natural world and to use natural materials found on trips outside to connect to the curriculum. Grounds for Learning. (4:21)
Fire as a Learning Tool - In this video, outdoor educator Penny Martin discusses how to safely use fire as a teaching tool with children. Imaginative use of fire can teach a range of skills from responsibility to developing creative design abilities and raising awareness of the need for safety. Grounds for Learning. (3:47)
Developing Your Grounds: Nature’s Playground - “Landscape designer Judi Legg shows how loose natural materials can be used to encourage pupils to use and develop their imaginations during non-descriptive play. Gus Egan, from Earth Calling, offers advice on developing school grounds for natural play, involving all members of the school community. This range of video clips from Grounds for Learning aims to support and inspire staff to take pupils outdoors into school grounds and local areas.” Grounds for Learning. (4:34)
In Focus: Forest Kindergarten - “Forest Kindergarten is a unique learning opportunity that allows young children to have fun in the great outdoors. Pupils from St Paul's Nursery climb trees, make dens, hunt for treasure and explore the local woods assisted by Forestry Commission and Countryside Rangers.” (5:42
School's Out: Lessons from a Forest Kindergarten - "No classroom for these school children: this documentary film takes us to a forest kindergarten in Switzerland where children age 4 to 7 spend every day outside in the forest. This is a thought-provoking film about public education in early childhood."
United Arab Emirates
Sustainable Schools Initiative - This video, mostly in Arabic with a small amount of English, talks about a movement started in 2003 with the help of BP to educate children in Abu Dhabi about environmental sustainability. Using instruments to measure air quality, as well as use of water and electricity, the students are able to document their consumption and its effect on their surroundings. Other projects in the initiative include a school garden and the sorting of paper and trash. The children also have access to the internet which enables them to exchange ideas and best practices for environmental sustainability. The children aim to educate the public as well. (9:57)
United States of America
The Edible Schoolyard at Martin Luther King Middle School in Berkeley, California is doing outstanding work in the fields of school gardens and nutrition education, and is a trailblaiser in these areas in United States. Many videos have been created about their outstanding work. Here are two that provide an overview:
Come to the Table (8:40)
Green Schoolyards: Turning Nature into Classrooms - The school community at Rosa Parks Elementary School in Berkeley, California has created a green schoolyard that connects the school's environmental science and gardening programs to the surrounding school grounds. Teachers, parents, and students have helped to design, build, and maintain schoolyard elements which include areas for nature play, blended into the outdoor classroom environments. The book Asphalt to Ecosystems by Sharon Danks* is also discussed. (3:08)
Grey to Green - The San Francisco Green Schoolyard Alliance* has been collaborating with the San Francisco Unified School District to inspire new school gardens and green schoolyards to take root across the city. (9:49)